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Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film


Avel takes down his bird’s cage and sets off on his motorcycle towards the hill; the wind sings through the bars, and a deep blue appears. A journey through time begins that returns us to the purest notion of freedom.

Avel descuelga la jaula de su pájaro y parte en moto rumbo al cerro, la música del viento atraviesa los barrotes, un azul profundo asoma. Comienza un viaje en el tiempo que nos devuelve la más pura noción de libertad.

Documental, Largometrajes

El Silencio es un Cuerpo que Cae

After my father died, the details of his life get lost in silence. My need to get to know him, reveals a story marked by his public homosexuality and political activism until his 40s, and the absolute secret of his past after he got married.

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