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Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Boletín Interno

A lower-class family, militants of the Argentinean left, is affected by the father´s expulsion from the party. Meri investigates and searches for answers. They discovers the violence perpetrated by her father and the consequences for the women in the family.

Una familia de clase baja militante de la izquierda argentina se ve atravesada por la expulsión del padre de la organización partidaria. Meri investiga y busca respuestas. Así es que descubre la violencia ejercida por su padre y las consecuencias en las mujeres de su familia.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Short Film

Las Picapedreras

A history book, a film saved from the flames of a dictatorship, an exiled filmmaker and an archive full of films downloaded from the internet. With these materials, a young filmmaker intends to rebuild an image of the women who made the longest strike in Argentina.

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