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Historias Breves

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film


CENTAUR is a Greek-Creole western that is set amongst the palm trees and TV aerials of the soy producing Pampas. When the bad gaucho invokes the spirit of his dead brother, the drama of representation is unleashed. Violence –always instrumental– emerges in the form of a whip-knife carried by the horse-man. In short, the centaur, just like the gaucho, is a myth, but an interrupted myth that was lost far away and long ago. Only that this story occurs nearby and in more recent times.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Diamante Mandarín

Buenos Aires 2001. In a supermarket in the suburbs a chinese family decides to close the market for the fear of the looting being committed throughout the city. The days pass by and the family tries to keep their normal lives but the fear of outside lurking breaks in their family life, over and over.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

El Trabajo Indistrial

On the assembly line red cans go by. The worker repeats the same sequence of movements. One day, he takes a can from the line and reads the instructions for use. Acting and working are industrial exercises. Everything that needs to be said, is said in the locker room.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Instrucciones para Adela

Three women, three generations. Time passes by and a farewell becomes inminent. A grandmother, a mother and a daughter spend the day in a family sailboat. Some look backwards and some look forward.

Tres mujeres, tres generaciones, el paso del tiempo y una despedida inminente. Abuela, madre e hija pasan el día en un velero familiar. Algunas miran hacia atrás y otras miran hacia adelante.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

La Canoa de Ulises

Itaeté and Ulises, a Guraní old man and a guaraní young teenager, are immersed into the jungle, building a canoe. Itaeté is trying instilling a traditional legacy in the boy, but Ulises isn’t very interested. His true calling is music. He’s a rapper.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

La de Messi

Lautaro (11 years old) and José (6 years old) learned to find, in others that they throw away, the daily sustenance that their family needs. Lautaro protects a little brother from a situation that occurs violently between his parents. The next day, José discovers a message on his album of world figures. Messi’s, his favorite, is no longer the same as before. Your family either.

Lautaro y José aprendieron a encontrar en lo que otros desechan el sustento diario que su familia necesita. Lautaro protege a su hermanito de una situación que se intuye violenta entre sus padres. Al día siguiente, José descubre un mensaje en su álbum de figuritas del Mundial. La de Messi, su favorita, ya no luce como antes. Su familia tampoco.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Toda mi Alegría

1997, Christmas eve. Camila (11) steals a shirt from her brother, rides a bike and gets distracted by a guy who buys fireworks. She gets into the water, plays with her cousins and wears a dress for the dinner. After observing her family through a vhs camera, Camila begins to register herself.

1997, Nochebuena. Camila (11) le roba una camisa a su hermano, monta una bicicleta y se distrae con un tipo que compra fuegos artificiales. Ella se mete en la piscina, juega con sus primos y usa un vestido para la cena. Después de observar a su familia a través de una cámara de vhs, Camila comienza a registrarse a sí misma.

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