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Cortometrajes, Documentary, Ficción, Short Film

El fin justifica los miedos

A group of teenagers sign up in a ghost contest to become ball-girls in a Grand Slam tournament. In a town where people come and go, time thickens while they await the results.

Un grupo de adolescentes se inscribe en una convocatoria para ser alcanza-pelotas en un torneo de Grand Slam. Al tiempo que esperan, se revela información sobre la misteriosa desaparición de la influencer más popular del pueblo.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes


A camera burst into the privacy of Elida Baldomir, the only woman with military responsibility in Tupamara Guerilla. The end of her life takes place in a small apartment in Montevideo, Uruguay, with the sole company of her cat. Years of imprisonment and the long-lasting effects of torture dwell in her body; in every step, with every memory, and in every look.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Una Aprendiz Invisible

Inés is a 12-year-old girl that starts taking roller skating classes, encouraged by her parents that are trying to keep her away from home while they’re dealing with her sister’s illness.

Inés, una niña de 12 años comienza a tomar clases de patín estimulada y alentada por sus padres, buscando que no esté en casa mientras atravesaban la enfermedad de su hermana.

Documental, Largometrajes

La Cena Blanca de Romina

The case of Romina Tejerina, a teenage girl killing her baby daughter that was conceived in rape, reveals the impunity of sexual violence and the epidemic of child and teen mothers. Thousands of women across the country defend Romina and hold the church and the State responsible.

El caso de Romina Tejerina, una adolescente que mata a la hija engendrada por una violación, devela la impunidad de la violencia sexual y la epidemia de madres niñas y adolescentes. Miles de mujeres en todo el país toman la defensa de Romina y apuntan a la responsabilidad de Iglesia y el Estado.

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