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Woman Filmmaker

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Misión Kipi

A teacher in the highlands of Peru created a female robot during the COVID-19 pandemic. He trains it and humanizes it to share learning with children in the communities he visits.

Un profesor de la sierra del Perú crea una robot en medio de la pandemia, la entrena y humaniza para compartir aprendizajes con niños y niñas de las comunidades que visita.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film


The same day a teenager discovers he has superpowers, his sister is kidnapped. Together with his best friend they travel to the rescue and he learns to use his powers.

El mismo día que un joven descubre que tiene superpoderes, secuestran a su hermana. Acompañado por su mejor amiga, viajan al rescate y aprende a usar sus poderes.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film


Rafaela, a curious girl, accompanies her older sister to visit Alex, the boy she likes. However, Alex and Laura lock themselves in a room, leaving her alone. Isolated but free, Rafaela explores this new space, where she will have a unique encounter with Uli, a queer girl, and her pet.

Rafaela, una niña curiosa, acompaña a su hermana mayor a visitar a Alex, el chico que le gusta. Pero Alex y Laura se encierran en un cuarto y la dejan sola. Aislada, pero en libertad Rafaela recorre este espacio nuevo, donde tendrá un particular encuentro con Uli, una chica queer y su mascota.

Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film


A scientist sowing a plant that takes all over the cities and changes the world as we know it.

Un científico siembra una planta que invade las ciudades y cambia el mundo tal como lo conocemos.

Un scientifique sème une plante qui envahit les villes et change le monde tel que nous le connaissons.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film


Faced with the discovery of videographic archive material from their childhood, Bárbara Lago reprograms their childhood’s mythology and reflects on their body traversed by affections, fictions and the passing of time. In these intimate materials, they finds a possibility of thinking about dissident sexualities, the relationship between technology and the human body, language and childhood. The images capture what cannot be named and prepare for the possibility of a fragmented and subjective metamorphosis. Jonathan/Yon is the body outside of social domestication. How does such a body grow in our contemporary societies?

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Ficción, Short Film


Mapowa escapes from the jungle where she lives towards the city in search of her father. The song and the road will join her at her first but inevitable disillusion.

Mapowa escapa de la selva donde vive rumbo a la ciudad para buscar a su padre. La canción y el camino la acompañan en su primera e inevitable desilusión.

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