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Would You Realize That I’m a Survivor?

CortometrajesDocumentalDocumentaryShort Film

Te Darías Cuenta De Que Soy Una Sobreviviente?

  • Technical Info / Información Técnica:

(2021) / 00:02:46 / ratio 16:9 / COLOR / SOUND Stereo / Camera: Camara Canon 310XL (Super 8mm) / 18 FPS / NTSC / US / Documentary, LGBT, Queer, performance, portrait

  • Storyline:

A Queer South American artist transforms her body in the bathroom of a dive bar in NYC’s East Village.

Artista sudaca queer transforma su cuerpo en el baño de un Dive Bar en el East Village de NYC.

  • Short Synopsis / Sinopsis Corta:

A Queer South American artist transforms her female bust into a male chest in the bathroom of a dive bar in NYC’s East Village. Then they transform their face inside the bar while sharing fragments of their life and getting ready to go out without a certain destination. It all happens in the time provided by one roll of Super 8 film.

Una artista sudaca queer transforma su busto femenino en torso masculino en el baño de un Dive Bar que frecuenta en el East Village de NYC, mientras comparte fragmentos de su vida y se prepara para salir, sin destino certero. Sucede en el tiempo que brinda un rollo de Super8.

  • Long Synopsis / Sinopsis Larga:

A Queer South American artist transforms her female bust into a male chest in the bathroom of a dive bar in NYC’s East Village. Then they transform their face inside the bar while sharing fragments of their life while preparing to go out, without a certain destination and smoking a pipe. The film seeks to give visibility to everyday moments, an Argentine artist who works with their body captured by an Argentine Director: both immigrants adjusting to the limitations of one roll of Super8 film.

Una artista sudaca queer transforma su busto femenino en torso masculino en el baño de un Dive Bar que frecuenta en el East Village de NYC. Luego transforma su rostro dentro del Bar mientras comparte fragmentos de su vida y se prepara para salir, sin destino certero, fumando una pipa. El film busca dar visibilidad a momentos cotidianos, una artista argentina que trabaja con su cuerpo capturada por un Director Argentino, ambos migrantes utilizan el tiempo que les brinda un rollo de Super8.

  • Director´s Biography / Biografía del Director:


Born in Argentina, Carlos Ledesma is a filmmaker based out of NYC. His short films have been official selections in numerous international film festivals, including “Leo’s Shoulder” and “The Working TItle is Zorro”. He’s also directed music videos that enjoyed heavy rotation on international music networks.

Nacido en Argentina, Carlos Ledesma es un cineasta basado en New York City. Sus trabajos anteriores, incluyendo “El Hombro de Sbaraglia” y “Por Ahora Se LLama El Zorro”, han sido selección oficial en numerosos festivales de cine internacionales. Tambien dirigio videos musicales con buena rotación en canales de musica internacionales.

  • Director’s Statement / Declaraciones del Director:

In 2019 I began experimenting with a 1970s Super 8 camera as a way to rebel in a world where digital devices turned taking pictures and videos into almost a mindless action, taking away the uniqueness of capturing a moment in space and time. Working without a script, this short film is in itself a performance art piece: an ideal format to collaborate with Natacha Voliakovsky, a performance artist I admire and with whom I’m proud to have been able to collaborate in this short.

En el 2019 empecé a experimentar con una cámara Super 8 de los años 70’s como una reacción a un mundo donde los dispositivos digitales nos dan la habilidad de tomar cuantas fotos y videos queramos, eliminando lo especial de capturar un momento único e irrepetible en tiempo y espacio. Al no tener un guión, este corto es en si una pieza de performance art, un formato ideal para colaborar con Natacha Voliakovsky, artista de performance a quien admiro y con quien me enorgullece haber colaborado en este corto.

  • Overview / Ficha técnica:

Script / Guión: Carlos Ledesma

Producer / Productor: Carlos Ledesma, Natacha Voliakovsky

Director / Director: Carlos Ledesma

DoP & Camera / Dirección de Fotografía y Cámara: Carlos Ledesma

Film Editor / Montaje: Carlos Ledesma

Música / Music: Carlos Ledesma

Cast / Elenco: Natacha Voliakovsky

  • Festivals & Awards / Festivales, Premios y Nominaciones:

– 3 FilmPride, Brighton & Hove Pride’s Queer Film Festival; 08/2021; UK

– 25 Mix México, Cinema and Sexual Diversity Festival; 09/2021; Mexico

– 14 Florence Queer Festival; 09/2021; Italy

– 31 Oslo/Fusion Int’l LGBTQIA+ Film Festival; 10/2021; Norway

– 8 Asterisco, LGBTIQ+ Film festival; 10/2021; Argentina

– 8 Playa del Carmen International Queer Film Festival; 11/2021; Mexico

– 5 Porn Film Festival Vienna; 04/2022; Austria

  • Links:


  • Contact / Contacto:

FilmsToFestivals Distribution Agency

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