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Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film


CENTAUR is a Greek-Creole western that is set amongst the palm trees and TV aerials of the soy producing Pampas. When the bad gaucho invokes the spirit of his dead brother, the drama of representation is unleashed. Violence –always instrumental– emerges in the form of a whip-knife carried by the horse-man. In short, the centaur, just like the gaucho, is a myth, but an interrupted myth that was lost far away and long ago. Only that this story occurs nearby and in more recent times.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Colonia Delicia

Ela lives in Colonia Delicia, Misiones and travels through the sexual awakening. Her father rejects her concerns out of fear. The appearance of Ivan, a photographer, awakens in Ela the illusion of satiating her desires, but vanishes when she reveals that Ivan’s sexual intentions are different to hers.

Ela vive en Colonia Delicia, Misiones y transita por el despertar sexual. Su padre rechaza sus inquietudes por temor. La aparición de Iván, un fotógrafo, despierta en Ela la ilusión de saciar sus deseos, pero se desvanece cuando revela que las intenciones de Iván son diferentes ante su sexualidad.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Doce Clavos

A cell phone rings late at night. Ana answers the phone, stunned. With some resentment, she gets out of bed to get into a taxi that will take her to the last stretch of a relationship.

Un celular suena en la madrugada. Ana atiende, aturdida. Con cierto resquemor, se levanta de la cama para subirse a un taxi que la conducirá hacia el último tramo de una relación difícil.

Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film

El Dominio de las Piedras

A group of women lives on an island subdued by black hands of stones. To free themselves they must break the heavy rocks that they carry on their backs and reveal themselves against the established regime.

Un grupo de mujeres viven en una isla sometidas por unas manos negras de piedras. Para liberarse ellas deben romper las pesadas rocas que llevan sobre sus espaldas y revelarse contra el régimen establecido.

Documental, Largometrajes

El Silencio es un Cuerpo que Cae

After my father died, the details of his life get lost in silence. My need to get to know him, reveals a story marked by his public homosexuality and political activism until his 40s, and the absolute secret of his past after he got married.

Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film

Los Emigrantes

A father and his son are preparing to travel in search of a better life; but what seems like a simple decision will be transformed into an odyssey full of pitfalls, before which they must make sacrifices.

Un padre y su hijo se disponen a viajar en busca de una mejor vida; pero lo que parece una sencilla decisión se transformará en una odisea plagada de escollos, ante los cuales no habrá más remedio que hacer algunos sacrificios…

Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes


A man in his thirties who doesn’t know what he wants to do in life is raped at home by a lesbian couple who desperately wants to have a child. However, their lives were already intertwined long before the violent event.

Un treintañero que no sabe qué hacer con su vida, es violado en su casa por una pareja de lesbianas que buscan desesperadamente tener un hijo. Sin embargo, sus vidas ya estaban entrelazadas mucho antes del violento suceso.

Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film


Mr. Pix thinks he makes objects move by itself. Every day he repeats a strict routine, until he realizes that he has lived an illusion and which objects move on their own. So Mr. Pix will try to unravel the object´s mystery while also escape from them, since they pursue him to return to his old routine. Mr. Pix is a character, but he doesn´t know.

Sr. Pix cree que mueve los objetos con sólo desearlo. Todo los días, el Sr. Pix repite una estricta rutina hasta que se da cuenta que vive en una ilusión y que los objetos se mueven solos sin seguir sus órdenes. El Sr. Pix intentará descubrir el misterio mientras intentará escapar de los objetos ya que intentan devolverlo a su estricta rutina.

Documental, Feature Films, Largometrajes


Leonardo Martinez (37), a mountain sportsman who suffers a spinal cord injury reveals us deep reflections on life and the human soul, showing us that boundaries are an illusion, on an an epic trip through The Andes.

Leonardo “Poke” Martinez (37), un deportista de montaña nos revela profundas reflexiones acerca de la vida y el alma humana, mostrándonos que los límites son una ilusión en un épico viaje por Los Andes.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film


The land expels and the ocean drowns, departures repeat themselves in every generation. Selva dances within voices and memories, in a game that prepares her for the inevitable separation.

La tierra expulsa y el mar ahogan, la partida se repite en cada generación. Selva baila entre voces y recuerdos, un juego que la prepara para la inevitable separación.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Short Film


Public toilets. Men. Sex. Alejandro Modarelli and Pablo Castro Videla share their stories about the meaning of the «Teteras» (tea rooms or cottages) during Argentina’s military dictatorship.

Baños públicos, hombres, sexo. Alejandro Modarelli y Pablo Castro Videla comparten sus testimonios sobre lo que significaron las teteras durante la dictadura militar en Argentina.

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