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Women Filmmaker

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film

Miren Felder

Miren Felder dies on top of a snowy mountain after a plane crash in 1977. The director discovers secret messages from her grandmother in photographs taken by her military grandfather and offers herself as a medium in a ritual to communicate with her.

Miren Felder muere en la cima de una montaña nevada tras un accidente aéreo en 1977. La directora descubre mensajes secretos de su abuela en las fotografías tomadas por su abuelo militar y se ofrece como médium en un ritual para comunicarse con ella.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Short Film

Las Picapedreras

A history book, a film saved from the flames of a dictatorship, an exiled filmmaker and an archive full of films downloaded from the internet. With these materials, a young filmmaker intends to rebuild an image of the women who made the longest strike in Argentina.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Caperucita Roja

The ruined town where my grandmother was born has been put out for sale. While producing a red hooded coat, we, two women more than sixty years apart discuss within four walls our gender’s and our social class’ stories and contradictions, while the women’s movement takes de streets of the city.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Doce Clavos

A cell phone rings late at night. Ana answers the phone, stunned. With some resentment, she gets out of bed to get into a taxi that will take her to the last stretch of a relationship.

Un celular suena en la madrugada. Ana atiende, aturdida. Con cierto resquemor, se levanta de la cama para subirse a un taxi que la conducirá hacia el último tramo de una relación difícil.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Ficción, Short Film

Los Arcontes

A group of Slavic immigrants is persecuted in Mar del Plata by the Buenos Aires police intelligence services during the International Film Festival. The city hides the memory of the cultural surveillance that was waged in the 1960s. The files, secret and confidential, are read by improvised guardians of the declassification.

Un grupo de inmigrantes eslavos es perseguido en Mar del Plata por los servicios de inteligencia de la policía bonaerense durante el Festival Internacional de Cine. La ciudad oculta la memoria de la vigilancia cultural que se libró en la década del sesenta. Los archivos, secretos y confidenciales, son leídos por improvisados guardianes de su desclasificación.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Los últimos recuerdos de Abril

Camila and Abril grew up together in a small town on the coast and are best friends. April’s family will move to the city, their paths will have to separate forever.

Camila y Abril han crecido juntas y son mejores amigas. La familia de Abril se mudará a la ciudad, sus caminos tendrán que separarse para siempre.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film


A young woman has to make a decision about her unwanted pregnancy while resolving a mystery.

Una chica tiene que tomar una decisión sobre su embarazo mientras resuelve un misterio.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Short Film


Among the belongings of a dead father, two manuscripts were found during the COVID 19 quarentine, and are used by his daughter to try to reconstruct the past and weave uncertain hypotheses about what she will never know

Dos manuscritos encontrados durante la cuarenta por el COVID 19, entre las pertenencias de un padre muerto le sirven a su hija para intentar reconstruir el pasado y tejer hipótesis sobre lo que nunca podrá saber.

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