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CortometrajesDocumentalDocumentaryFicciónShort Film








– Technical Info / Información Técnica:

(2019) / 00:09:55 / ratio 16:9 / COLOR / Stereo / Sony Alpha a7s2 / 24 FPS / PAL / Perú / Drama, Social Issues, Native, Childhood




Mapowa escapes from the jungle where she lives towards the city in search of her father.  The song and the road will join her at her first but inevitable disillusion.


At the jungle, dreams perdure. In the city, disillusion becomes inevitable. In the search for her father, only the song and the road will join Mapowa at her first encounter with absence.


Mapowa escapa de la selva donde vive rumbo a la ciudad para buscar a su padre. La canción y el camino la acompañan en su primera e inevitable desilusión.



– Short Synopsis / Sinopsis Corta:

After the abandonment of his father years ago, Mapowa, an eight-year-old girl who lives in the jungle, escapes to the city hoping to find him and sing a song on his birthday. It is her own song that will help her through the pain of disappointment and absence.


Ante el abandono de su padre años atrás, Mapowa, una niña de ocho años que vive en la selva se escapa rumbo a la ciudad con la esperanza de encontrar a su padre y cantarle una canción en el día de su cumpleaños. Será su propia música la que la ayude a atravesar el dolor de la desilusión y la ausencia.



Synopsis / Sinopsis:

Many children in the jungle are abandoned by their parents, who leave their homes to work at the gold mines or to the cities and they never come back. Mapowa, an eight-year-old girl who lives in the Amazon jungle with her mother and younger brother, decides to go to the city in search of her father to sing him a song on his birthday. Once she arrives at the city, she meets disappointment as her father does not live there. Maybe, he never has. It is by singing her song that Mapowa manages to cross through frustration. Only then she is ready to go back home.


Muchos niños en la selva son abandonados por sus padres, quienes se van a trabajar con el oro y ya nunca más vuelven. Mapowa, una niña de ocho años que vive en la selva amazónica con su madre y hermano menor, decide ir en busca de su padre a la ciudad para cantarle una canción en el día de su cumpleaños. Al llegar se encuentra con la desilusión de que su padre no vive allí, o tal vez nunca lo ha hecho. Mapowa logra atravesar la frustración cantando su canción y entonces está lista para volver a casa.



– Director´s Biography / Biografía del Director:


Natalia Trzcina was born in Buenos Aires in 1988. She has a degree in Cinema from the University of Cinema of Buenos Aires. She works at the Audiovisual Industry in Film Direction and Production. Throughout her career, she has written and directed “Un Whisky on the rocks y un Nuevo Living” (Short film, super 16mm, 2010) and “The Land in the Middle” (Medium feature, 2k, 2012). In 2014 she participated at the Buenos Aires Talent Campus with her film “La Flaca”. In 2016 she directed “Niño Sikuri” (short film, HD). In 2018 she has participated at a Workshop with Werner Herzog at the Peruvian Amazon, where she had the opportunity to shoot “Genekashlu”.


Natalia Trzcina nace en Buenos Aires en 1988. Es licenciada en Dirección Cinematográfica de la Universidad del Cine de Buenos Aires. Trabaja en la industria audiovisual tanto en la dirección como en la producción de películas. A lo largo de su carrera, ha escrito y dirigido “Un Whisky on the rocks y un nuevo living” (Cortometraje, super 16mm 2010) y “La tierra en el medio”, (Mediometraje, 2k, 2012). En 2014 participó en el Talents Buenos Aires con su mediometraje “La Flaca”. En 2016 dirigió Niño Sikuri. En 2018 participa en el Workshop con Werner Herzog en la selva peruana donde tiene la oportunidad de realizar el cortometraje “Genekashlu”.



Director’s Statement / Declaraciones del Director:

The strength of the jungle is about senses, feelings, and sounds. It is a place where possibilities expand, where limits are never previously demarked. It is at it the purity of nature where the barriers of civilized and non-civilized fall and the chaotic order prevail. The gold mining is devastating even where the forces of nature once seemed to be indestructible. At the same time, abandonment is a constant for the kids that are raised in the pure jungle. Parents go to work at the mines and they never come back. Maybe they die. Maybe they raise other families or maybe they just go to the cities and disappear inside them. Cities may become a labyrinth where we may never come out from. How is it to cross the barrier from the jungle to the city? The city is the place where disillusion appears, but: is there any way back home? How can we remember our way to nature once we were delimited by the margins of the city? Do we need to memorize the jungle’s language as a tattooed song in our minds?



– Overview / Ficha técnica:

Script / Guión: Natalia Trzcina

Producer / Producción: Natalia Trzcina

Director / Director: Natalia Trzcina

Director of Photography and Camera / Dirección de Fotografía y Cámara: Natalia Trzcina

Sound design / Diseño de sonido: Alejo Di Risio

Editing / Montaje: Ezequiel Yoffe, Natalia Trzcina

Original Music / Música Original: Emy Nazareth Sebastian

Cast / Elenco: Emy Nazareth Sebastian, David Matías Sebastián, María Cruz, José Samuel, Sergio Veracruz



Festivals, Awards and Nominations / Festivales, Premios y Nominaciones:

– 41 UNCIPAR, Jornadas Argentinas e Internacionales de Cine Independiente; 08/2019; Argentina

– 10 Oaxaca Film Festival: Industry Section; 10/2019; México

– 22 Olympia International Film Festival for Children and Young People; 11/2019; Greece

– 31 Festival La Mujer y el Cine; 11/2019; Argentina

– 41 Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de la Habana; 12/2019; Cuba







Contact / Contacto:

Gisela Chicolino

FilmsToFestivals Distribution Agency



Black Factory Cinema (Spain)

Pueblo Libre Films (Argentina)

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