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Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

La Mona

La Mona is willing to make any sacrifice to guarantee her authority in La Hondura, even if the price she pays, is loneliness.

La Mona está dispuesta a cualquier sacrificio para garantizar su autoridad en La Hondura, aunque el precio que pague sea la soledad.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film


In the chaotic city of Buenos Aires, a traveling salesman wants to close an important deal, but he distrusts his partner.

Un vendedor ambulante desea concretar un negocio importante, con un socio del cual desconfía.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Amor Descartable

In the first found-footage film in the history of cinema, we may find the filmmaker’s great-grandfather, a deserter from the Russian Revolution. A century later, while rewatching her own home movies, shot in the ‘90s by her father and compiled on DVD, Azul discovers powerful fictions of a social class. Tracing the film scraps in dialogue with her hard-of-hearing mother, Azul wonders if it might be possible to twist that which has been inherited in pursuit of an emancipatory destiny.

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