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Unless we dance

A Menos Que Bailemos

  • Technical Info / Información Técnica:

(2023) / 00:14:34 / ratio 2.35:1 / COLOR / Cámara Sony A7s3 / 24 FPS / NTSC / Quibdó, Colombia / Documentary Short Film: Social Issues, Dance, LGBT+, protest, redemption, rescue, resilience

  • Tagline:

Everything is darkness… unless we dance.

Todo es oscuridad… a menos que bailemos.

  • Logline:

Bonays, Colacho, Mafalda, and Rihanna cling to dance to confront the structural violence that exists in Quibdó, a city with the highest homicide rates in Colombia.

Bonays, Colacho, Mafalda y Rihanna se aferran a la danza para enfrentar la violencia estructural que se vive en Quibdó, una ciudad con los más altos índices de homicidios en Colombia.

  • Short Synopsis / Sinopsis Corta:

In Quibdó, a city with the highest homicide rates in Colombia, Jonathan and hundreds of young people come together through dance to face the brutal fate of violence. UNLESS WE DANCE is a tribute to their act of resilience and to all the lives that have been lost along the way.

En Quibdó, una ciudad con los más altos índices de homicidios en Colombia, Jonathan y cientos de jóvenes se unen a través del baile para enfrentar el brutal destino de la violencia. UNLESS WE DANCE es un homenaje a su grito de resiliencia y a todas las vidas que se han perdido en el camino.

  • Synopsis / Sinopsis:

Jonathan (Bonays), an Afro dance teacher, undertakes an initiative to rescue young people from the crime that stalks Quibdó, a city with the highest homicide rates in Colombia. This is how Black Boys Chocó emerged, a dance company where hundreds of young people face brutal destinies through a passion. UNLESS WE DANCE portrays union and dance as the greatest expression of shielding the Afro people, it is a tribute to their act of resilience and to all the lives that have been lost along the way.

Jonathan (Bonays), un profesor de danza Afro emprende una iniciativa para rescatar jóvenes de la delincuencia que acecha a Quibdó, una ciudad con los más altos índices de homicidios en Colombia. Así surge Black Boys Chocó, compañía de baile donde cientos de jóvenes enfrentan brutales destinos a través de una pasión. UNLESS WE DANCE retrata la unión y el baile como mayor expresión de blindaje del pueblo afro, es un homenaje a su grito de resiliencia y a todas las vidas que se han perdido en el camino.

  • Director´s Biography / Biografía del Director:


Film director and cinematographer. As co-founder of Páramo Films, he is dedicated to the production of documentaries in Latin America, highlighting the realities and social, cultural, and humanitarian issues of the region.

Es director cine y director de fotografía. Como co-fundador de Páramo Films está dedicado a la producción de documentales latinoamericanos, destacando las realidades y problemáticas sociales, culturales y humanitarios de la región.


Graduated from the Cinematographic Research Center, Argentina. She is a photographer, director, producer, and Co-director of Páramo Films. With more than 8 years of experience in documentary, she has approached indigenous, Afro, and rural communities, telling stories in the context of the Colombian conflict and post-conflict.

Egresada del Centro de Investigación Cinematográfica, Argentina. Es fotógrafa, directora, productora audiovisual y Codirectora de Páramo Films. Con más de 8 años de experiencia en documental. Se ha acercado a comunidades indígenas, afro y campesinas, contando historias en contexto del conflicto y posconflicto colombiano.

  • Director’s Statement / Declaraciones de la Directora:

The film aims to reflect on how body expression can be a tool for young afro Colombian people to get out of circles of violence. We, as directors conceived an audiovisual treatment that prioritizes the testimonies of the protagonists (their dreams, their resilience, and the daily struggle they wage), in parallel with the attempt to capture the poetry inherent in their dance work (forms, movement, movements, silhouettes) and the physical description of the territory (precariousness, violence, marginality). We consider this film completely relevant to the times we are living in. As days pass by, large numbers of young lives are being lost; dancing has become the only way to survive this systematic violence. We hope that this film can raise awareness and put this issue into the international and national spotlight.

  • Overview / Ficha técnica:

Script / Guión: Hanz Rippe Gabriele, Fernanda Pineda Palencia, Daniel Alberto Sánchez

Producer / Productor: Fernanda Pineda Palencia

Director / Director: Hanz Rippe Gabriele, Fernanda Pineda Palencia

DoP / Dirección de Fotografía: Hanz Rippe Gabriele

Camera / Cámara: Hanz Rippe Gabriele, Juan Sebastián Rincón

Production Designer & Wardrobe / Dirección de Arte y Vestuario: Daniela Rivano

Film Editor / Montaje: Juan Sebastián Rincón

Sound design / Diseño de sonido: Ángel Alonso Sarmiento

Original Music / Música Original: Colacho Exótico, Ricardo Gallo

Cast: Bonays, Colacho, Rhianna, Mafalda 

  • Festivals, Awards and Nominations / Festivales, Premios y Nominaciones:

– 37 BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival; 03/2023; England

– 69 Oberhausen ISFF (Best Short Film: Youth Jury Prize); 04/2023; Germany

– 33 Inside Out 2SLGBTQ+ Film Festival; 05/2023; Canada

– 34 São Paulo International Short Film Festival (Audience Mention); 08/2023; Brazil

– 34 Hamburg International Queer Film Festival; 10/2023; Germany

– Inside Out LGBTQ+ Film Festival Ottawa; 10/2023; Canada

– 18 DocsMx, Documentary Film Festival; 10/2023; Mexico

– 15 FIC Cali, Cali International Film Festival; 10/2023; Colombia

– 15 SWF, Short Waves Festival (Best Short Film); 11/2023; Poland

– 37 Braunschweig International Film Festival; 11/2023; Germany

– 41 Ale Kino! International Young Audience Film Festival; 11/2023; Poland

– 37 LAFITA, Lateinamerikanische Filmtage München; 11/2023; Germany

– 21 Bogoshorts, Bogotá Short Film Festival (Audience Award); 12/2023; Colombia

– 33 Flickerfest, International Short Film Festival; 01/2024; Australia

– 31 Mardi Gras Film Festival; 02/2024; Australia

– 10 See You Sound, Int. Music Film Festival; 02/2024; Italy

– 41 BUFF, International Film Festival for Children & Young People; 03/2024; Sweden

– 14 Ecrans Mixtes, Queer Film Festival; 03/2024; France

– 28 Regard International Short Film Festival; 03/2024; Canada

– 40 Wicked Queer, Boston LGBTQ+ Film Festival; 04/2024; US

– 36 Filmfest Dresden, International Short Film Festival; 04/2023; Germany

– 33 Curta Cinema, Rio de Janeiro ISFF; 04/2024; Brazil

– ALT* LGBT Documentary Film Festival; 04/2024; Mexico

– 6 Afro Cine Film Festival; 05/2024; Colombia

– 24 Lebu International Film Festival; 05/2024; Chile

– 11 Colombian FF in NY (Special Mention); 05/2024; US

– 7 Al Este Film Festival (Best Short Film); 06/2024; Colombia

– 3 FALA São Chico, Festival Audiovisual Latinoamericano (Best Film); 06/2024: Brazil

– 18 AfryKamera Festival; 06/2024; Poland

– ZED Festival Internazionale Videodanza; 07/2024; Italy

– 27 Maine International Film Festival; 07/2024; US

– 13 Muestra Ecofalante de Cine (Audience Award); 07/2024; Brazil

– 25 Lucania Film Festival (Special Mention); 08/2024; Italy

– 8 AricaDoc IDFF; 08/2024; Chile

– 6 Afrodisruptive FF (Best Soundtrack, Best Documentary, Special Mention); 09/2024; Colombia

– 9 Jardin Film Festival; 09/2024; Colombia

– 13 Voces Contra el Silencio HHRR Film Festival (Best Short Film); 09/2024; Mexico

– 16 DMZ International Documentary Film Festival; 09/2024; Japan

– 16 Popoyan Short Film Festival; 10/2024; Colombia

– 22 Shnit Worldwide Short Film Festival; 10/2024M Switzerland

– 22 Way OUT West Film Fest; 10/2024; US

– 39 MIX COPENHAGEN LGBTQIA+ Film Festival; 10/2024; Denmark

– 12 MAFICI (Best Documentary Short / Best Cinematography); 10/2024; Argentina

– 40 Interfilm Short Film Festival; 11/2024; Germany

– 14 Aesthetica Short Film Festival; 11/2024; UK

– 18 Leyva Int’l Film Festival; 11/2024; Colombia

– 27 FanCineQueer, Extremadura Int’l LGBTI Film Festival; 11/2024; Spain

– 22 PinkPanorama, Queer Film Festival; 11/2024; Switzerland

– 25 FILMAR, Switzerland Latin American Film Festival; 11/2024; Switzerland

– 22 Florence Queer Film Festival: 11/2024; Italy

– 32 Mix Brasil, Queer Film Festival; 11/2024; Brazil

– 17 This Human World, HHRRIFF; 11/2024; Austria

– 12 Sardinia Queer Film Festival; 11/2024; Italy

– 10 Amazonia FiDoc, Festival Pan-Amazonico de Cinema; 11/2024; Brazil

– 2 Emerger Film Festival; 11/2024; Colombia

– 7 ATESIB, African Film Festival; 01/2025; Israel

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  • Contact / Contacto:

Gisela Chicolino

FilmsToFestivals Distribution Agency

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