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Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Amor Descartable

In the first found-footage film in the history of cinema, we may find the filmmaker’s great-grandfather, a deserter from the Russian Revolution. A century later, while rewatching her own home movies, shot in the ‘90s by her father and compiled on DVD, Azul discovers powerful fictions of a social class. Tracing the film scraps in dialogue with her hard-of-hearing mother, Azul wonders if it might be possible to twist that which has been inherited in pursuit of an emancipatory destiny.

Ficción, Largometrajes

Abril, Verde, Amarillo

An agoraphobic musician, locked up in his home, begins to live with a shadow cast on his wall; a shadow that has a life of its own. Meanwhile, between jobs, music, scripts, gymnasts and volleyball matches, the musician’s friends go on with their lives during the beginning of autumn in Buenos Aires.

Un músico agorafóbico, encerrado en su hogar, comienza a convivir con una sombra proyectada en la pared; una sombra que tiene vida propia. Mientras tanto, entre trabajos, música, guiones, gimnastas y partidos de voley, los amigos del músico recorren las calles de Buenos Aires en el inicio del otoño.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Boletín Interno

A lower-class family, militants of the Argentinean left, is affected by the father´s expulsion from the party. Meri investigates and searches for answers. They discovers the violence perpetrated by her father and the consequences for the women in the family.

Una familia de clase baja militante de la izquierda argentina se ve atravesada por la expulsión del padre de la organización partidaria. Meri investiga y busca respuestas. Así es que descubre la violencia ejercida por su padre y las consecuencias en las mujeres de su familia.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Misión Kipi

A teacher in the highlands of Peru created a female robot during the COVID-19 pandemic. He trains it and humanizes it to share learning with children in the communities he visits.

Un profesor de la sierra del Perú crea una robot en medio de la pandemia, la entrena y humaniza para compartir aprendizajes con niños y niñas de las comunidades que visita.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

SOLA en el paraíso

The traumatic experience of a young actress in a canceled paradise. Justina travels to an island in Africa to make a film and ends up confined to a military base when her covid test shows a positive result. All her glamor crashes against the rules of an uncertain territory.

La experiencia traumática de una joven actriz en un paraíso cancelado. Justina viaja a una isla de África para hacer una película y termina confinada en una base militar cuando su test de covid da positivo. Todo su glamour se estrella contra las reglas de un territorio incierto.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes


A camera burst into the privacy of Elida Baldomir, the only woman with military responsibility in Tupamara Guerilla. The end of her life takes place in a small apartment in Montevideo, Uruguay, with the sole company of her cat. Years of imprisonment and the long-lasting effects of torture dwell in her body; in every step, with every memory, and in every look.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes


Áyax Grandi, an architect from the city of Rosario, at 48 he decided to become Canela. This film narrates the parenthesis in the life of Canela where she is torn between having gender reassignment operating surgery or not. With that concern, a search begins. She consults with healthcare professionals, her sons and old friends until she realizes something about her desire that she didn’t really expect.

A los 48 años, Ayax Grandi, un arquitecto de la ciudad de Rosario, decidió ser Canela. Esta película narra un paréntesis en la vida de la protagonista, que se debate entre intervenir quirúrgicamente su cuerpo o no. Con esa inquietud, comienza una búsqueda. Consulta a profesionales de la salud, a sus hijos y amistades hasta darse cuenta de algo que la sorprende acerca de su propio deseo.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Caperucita Roja

The ruined town where my grandmother was born has been put out for sale. While producing a red hooded coat, we, two women more than sixty years apart discuss within four walls our gender’s and our social class’ stories and contradictions, while the women’s movement takes de streets of the city.

Documental, Documentary, Feature Films, Largometrajes

Como el cielo después de llover

Mercedes returns to her native city to join her father, Victor, in the shooting of his film. He is a director who has filmed his family throughout the years. In the encounter of both filmmakers’ ways of looking, her mother’s silence and her brother’s stubbornness, Mercedes embraces the time they shared in their home videos and her family’s endless contradictions in order to find her own beginning.

Mercedes regresa a su ciudad natal para acompañar el rodaje de la película de su padre, Víctor. Un director que se ha encargado de registrar a su familia a lo largo del tiempo. Entre el encuentro de sus dos miradas, el silencio rotundo de su madre y la obstinación de su hermano, Mercedes abraza el tiempo compartido del archivo y las infinitas contradicciones de su familia para buscar allí su propio comienzo.

Documental, Feature Films, Largometrajes


Un arbitro que por las noches imita a Serrat, un DT que apela a mensajes de autoayuda para motivar a su equipo, un jugador héroe que planea retirarse y un dirigente que pone su ingenio para que el club sobreviva. Lo que la película narra es simple, genuino. Un retrato del mundo del fútbol de ascenso en Argentina.

A referee who is a Joan Manuel Serrat impersonator in the evenings, a coach who resorts to self-help phrases to motivate the team, an idol player with retirement plans, and a club official who comes up with ideas to help the club survive. What the film narrates is simple and honest. A portrait of the world of the promotion football league in Argentina.

Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes

Corazón Negro

Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires Argentina 2018. After her mother’s death, Naty (a middle-aged transvestite) start taking control of every inch of the house, accompanied by her loyal friend Sixty. Her luck seems to have changed, until one day a secret from the past is revealed. A thriller in the suburbs, filled with the political insubordination and the dark comedy that are so characteristic of NATY MENSTRUAL.

Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires Argentina 2018. Después de la muerte de su madre, Naty comienza a apoderarse de cada espacio de la casa, acompañada de su leal amiga Sixty. La suerte parece haber cambiado hasta que un día se revela un secreto del pasado. Un thriller rodado en el conurbano, cargado de la incorrección política y el humor negro tan característicos de Naty Menstrual.

Documental, Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes

El Día Nuevo

Maldonado lives in a farm at an island in the Parana River. He lived there his whole life, like his father and grandfather. One morning, after long years, his wife Celia and his daughter Victoria leave him. Maldonado comes back to the farm after spending the morning fishing and they are no longer there. Suddenly he finds himself all alone and not knowing what to do. Life in the island does not give you a break: you have to fish, light the fire, take care of the animals; the island demands. Maldonado doesn’t abandon his tasks, but a new frailty appears in his life.

Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes

El Maestro

Un maestro de gran vocación vive un vuelco en su rutina cuando un amigo en problemas llega al pueblo. La relación entre ambos levanta rumores sobre su sexualidad y lo enfrenta a su entorno.

A teacher of great vocation lives a turn in his routine when a friend in trouble arrives in town. The relationship between their raises rumors about his sexuality and forces him to face his surroundings

Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes

El Rocío

Sara discovers that agrochemicals sprayed by her neighbor for soy cultivation poisoned her daughter. The treatment compels them to travel to Buenos Aires. To get money for it, Sara devotes herself to drug trafficking. This becomes a threat to her freedom and the safety of her children.

Sara vive con su hija Ailén en una zona rural de Entre Ríos. La niña comienza a enfermarse por las fumigaciones en los campos. Sara pelea por detenerlos, pero es inútil. La salud de su hija se agrava, y tiene que viajar de urgencia a Buenos Aires. Sin recursos para hacer el viaje, recurre a viejos contactos y se pone a traficar cocaína del campo a la ciudad.

Documental, Largometrajes

El Silencio es un Cuerpo que Cae

After my father died, the details of his life get lost in silence. My need to get to know him, reveals a story marked by his public homosexuality and political activism until his 40s, and the absolute secret of his past after he got married.

Documental, Documentary, Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes

Far from us

After a long absence Ramira reunites with her mother and child, leading to a balancing act between acceptance and avoidance. The child struggles between two mothers, while Ramira seeks to find a sense of reinsertion in the middle of a labyrinth of hybrid languages and customs.

Después de su larga ausencia, Ramira se reúne con su madre y su hijo, lo que lleva a sumergirse nuevamente en una relacion de desequilibrio y rechazo. El niño lucha entre dos madres, mientras que Ramira busca encontrar un sentido de reinserción en medio de un laberinto de idiomas y costumbres híbridas.

Documental, Largometrajes

La Cena Blanca de Romina

The case of Romina Tejerina, a teenage girl killing her baby daughter that was conceived in rape, reveals the impunity of sexual violence and the epidemic of child and teen mothers. Thousands of women across the country defend Romina and hold the church and the State responsible.

El caso de Romina Tejerina, una adolescente que mata a la hija engendrada por una violación, devela la impunidad de la violencia sexual y la epidemia de madres niñas y adolescentes. Miles de mujeres en todo el país toman la defensa de Romina y apuntan a la responsabilidad de Iglesia y el Estado.

Documental, Largometrajes

La Familia Chechena

ABUBAKAR is 46 years old and participates in the Zikr, ritual dances performed by Chechen Sufi Muslims. At each Zikr he reaches a state of ecstasy and for ABUBAKAR it’s an exorcism, a form of liberation from everything that his people have suffered over so many years of occupation.
The presence of his mother, his wife and his nine children make ghosts from the past and present reappear: stories of the 1948 deportation, his daughters under threat from kidnappings, the city of Grozny in the present day, lights, sounds, landscapes, dark faces behind dilapidated walls. All of this brings memory to life mixing it with reality.
It is the everyday reunion that a Chechen makes with two pillars of his society, faith and culture, embodied in the Zikr where the sacred merges with the profane.
ABUBAKAR defines it as an act of resistance where they reunite with their dead and their pain through dance, music and prayer.

Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes

La Vida de Alguien

. “La vida de alguien” parece preguntarse por el camino del héroe en la sociedad contemporánea. ¿Dónde puede constituirse lo heroico en la ciudad posmoderna? ¿Qué importancia tienen hoy los principios? ¿Cómo pensar la amistad ante una ausencia física? ¿Es posible el duelo sin regodearse en la melancolía?

Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes

Los Ojos Llorosos

On the same day of hir birthday, Alice receives the medication to start HIV treatment. His health, damaged by AIDS, puts his life at risk. Without thinking, he enters a trance mobilized by love and fear, his convictions and imagination, guilt and desire. Alice must fight, live and love with the disease.

El mismo día de su cumpleaños, Alice recibe la medicación para iniciar el tratamiento contra el VIH. Su salud, deteriorada por el SIDA, pone en riesgo su vida. Sin pensarlo entra en un trance movilizado por el amor y el miedo, sus convicciones y la imaginación, la culpa y el deseo. Alice debe luchar, vivir y amar con la enfermedad.

Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes

María y el Araña

MARIA Y EL ARAÑA es la historia de María, una chica de trece años que vive en una villa de emergencia de Buenos Aires junto a su abuela y el oscuro compañero de esta. Candidata a recibir una beca para continuar su escolaridad, María está terminando la primaria y trabaja al mismo tiempo en el subte. Allí va a conocer a un chico de 17 años que se gana la vida haciendo malabares disfrazado de Hombre Araña. A medida que el amor crece entre ambos, se irá descubriendo dentro de la casa de María, el entretejido de un lazo siniestro que la mantiene sometida.

Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes


A man in his thirties who doesn’t know what he wants to do in life is raped at home by a lesbian couple who desperately wants to have a child. However, their lives were already intertwined long before the violent event.

Un treintañero que no sabe qué hacer con su vida, es violado en su casa por una pareja de lesbianas que buscan desesperadamente tener un hijo. Sin embargo, sus vidas ya estaban entrelazadas mucho antes del violento suceso.

Documental, Feature Films, Largometrajes

Mi Hist(e)ria en el Cine

María Victoria, a film director, decides to give up her career because of the uncountable difficulties that her job entails. Convinced by her friend Franca, she starts to film fun and emotional scenes of her daily life, that slowly and almost unintentionally lead her to reconnect with herself and with her true love for the cinema.

Documental, Feature Films, Largometrajes


Leonardo Martinez (37), a mountain sportsman who suffers a spinal cord injury reveals us deep reflections on life and the human soul, showing us that boundaries are an illusion, on an an epic trip through The Andes.

Leonardo “Poke” Martinez (37), un deportista de montaña nos revela profundas reflexiones acerca de la vida y el alma humana, mostrándonos que los límites son una ilusión en un épico viaje por Los Andes.

Documental, Feature Films, Largometrajes

Ramón Ayala

El documental es un homenaje y redescubrimiento de Ramón Ayala, uno de los grandes poetas y compositores del Alto Paraná, de la selva guaraní. La particular visión de la cultura popular latinoamericana de Marcos López, artista plástico y fotógrafo, está presente en un diálogo permanente con la obra de Ramón Ayala, redefiniendo una reflexión estética sobre la identidad cultural argentina.

Animation Film, Feature Films, Largometrajes

Rodencia y el Diente de la Princesa

Es la historia de aventuras y amor del pequeño ratón EDAM, torpe aprendiz de mago y de la bella y segura ratoncita BRIE, quienes deberán enfrentar los más variados peligros para obtener el poder que otorga el diente de una princesa humana y así derrotar al ejército de feroces ratas comandado por el malvado ROTEX quien invade RODENCIA, el pacífico reino de los ratones, para dominarlo y quedarse con su tesoro. En el medio del bosque, la magia de la luz y la de la oscuridad, el amor y el rencor, se enfrentarán. EDAM y ROTEX lucharán sin tregua, en un duelo donde solo uno saldrá victorioso.

Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes


An unexpected sexual awakening and the concealment of an unavoidable desire constitute the main motor of Román.

Un inesperado despertar sexual y el ocultamiento de un deseo ineludible constituyen el principal motor de Román.

Documental, Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes

Su Realidad

The story takes place in a parallel world during a tour of the musician Daniel Melingo in Europe. What looks like real not always is. With elements of surrealism, the 1930s and the 21st century, the plot accompanies him always focused on the intermediate times, when he downs the stage, away from the show.

Documental, Feature Films, Largometrajes

Tras la Pantalla

A documentary portrait of the film distributor Pascual Condito and the world of Argentine cinema. Tired of the difficult moment he is going through with his distribution company, is thinking over a crucial decision that will allow him to continue safely in the world of film until the end of his days.

Documental, Documentary, Feature Films, Largometrajes

Un Hogar Sin Armarios

They did not want to go back into the closet, to pretend that old age was taking away so much of their struggle. They had a dream: to live in the first public LGTBI residence in the world.

No querían volver al armario, disimular, que la vejez les arrebatara tanta lucha. Tenían un sueño: abrir la primera residencia LGTBI pública del mundo en Madrid.

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