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Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Amor Descartable

In the first found-footage film in the history of cinema, we may find the filmmaker’s great-grandfather, a deserter from the Russian Revolution. A century later, while rewatching her own home movies, shot in the ‘90s by her father and compiled on DVD, Azul discovers powerful fictions of a social class. Tracing the film scraps in dialogue with her hard-of-hearing mother, Azul wonders if it might be possible to twist that which has been inherited in pursuit of an emancipatory destiny.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film

Miren Felder

Miren Felder dies on top of a snowy mountain after a plane crash in 1977. The director discovers secret messages from her grandmother in photographs taken by her military grandfather and offers herself as a medium in a ritual to communicate with her.

Miren Felder muere en la cima de una montaña nevada tras un accidente aéreo en 1977. La directora descubre mensajes secretos de su abuela en las fotografías tomadas por su abuelo militar y se ofrece como médium en un ritual para comunicarse con ella.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Boletín Interno

A lower-class family, militants of the Argentinean left, is affected by the father´s expulsion from the party. Meri investigates and searches for answers. They discovers the violence perpetrated by her father and the consequences for the women in the family.

Una familia de clase baja militante de la izquierda argentina se ve atravesada por la expulsión del padre de la organización partidaria. Meri investiga y busca respuestas. Así es que descubre la violencia ejercida por su padre y las consecuencias en las mujeres de su familia.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film

Caída al vacío

A fall into a void can be physical and emotional. This experimental video explores the feeling of vertigo and imbalance through traumatic experiences.

Una caída al vacío puede ser física y emocional. Este video experimental explora la sensación de vértigo y desequilibrio a través de experiencias traumáticas.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Misión Kipi

A teacher in the highlands of Peru created a female robot during the COVID-19 pandemic. He trains it and humanizes it to share learning with children in the communities he visits.

Un profesor de la sierra del Perú crea una robot en medio de la pandemia, la entrena y humaniza para compartir aprendizajes con niños y niñas de las comunidades que visita.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Short Film


While downhill skateboarder Melissa relives memories of a friendship, Pastrana’s inherent presence helps her gain a deeper understanding of time.

Mientras revive recuerdos de una amistad, la presencia inherente de Pastrana ayuda a la skatista de downhill Melissa a obtener una comprensión más profunda del tiempo.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Short Film

Unless we dance

Bonays, Colacho, Mafalda and Rihanna cling to dance to confront the structural violence that exists in Quibdó, a city with the highest homicide rates in Colombia.

Bonays, Colacho, Mafalda y Rihanna se aferran a la danza para enfrentar la violencia estructural que se vive en Quibdó, una ciudad con los más altos índices de homicidios en Colombia.

Cortometrajes, Documentary, Ficción, Short Film

El fin justifica los miedos

A group of teenagers sign up in a ghost contest to become ball-girls in a Grand Slam tournament. In a town where people come and go, time thickens while they await the results.

Un grupo de adolescentes se inscribe en una convocatoria para ser alcanza-pelotas en un torneo de Grand Slam. Al tiempo que esperan, se revela información sobre la misteriosa desaparición de la influencer más popular del pueblo.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film

La hija de la azafata

While working on a commissioned film, the director pictures her mother in an advertising film archive. This image forces her to think about who her mother was, or rather, who was that woman before becoming her mother. To understand, sometimes it is better to look at things from a certain distance.

Mientras trabaja sobre un archivo de cine publicitario la directora cree ver a su madre. Este encuentro fantasmático la obliga a pensar en quién fue su mamá, o más bien, quién fue esa mujer antes de ser su mamá. Para comprender, a veces, es mejor mirar las cosas con cierta distancia.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film

14 Poems

A woman sets out to free herself from a troubled relationship in her past that has, in many ways, determined the course of her life. She assembles the pieces and performs a re-enactment.

Una mujer se propone liberarse de una relación turbada de su pasado que, en muchos sentidos, ha determinado el curso de su vida. Mediante una representación ella ensambla las piezas.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

SOLA en el paraíso

The traumatic experience of a young actress in a canceled paradise. Justina travels to an island in Africa to make a film and ends up confined to a military base when her covid test shows a positive result. All her glamor crashes against the rules of an uncertain territory.

La experiencia traumática de una joven actriz en un paraíso cancelado. Justina viaja a una isla de África para hacer una película y termina confinada en una base militar cuando su test de covid da positivo. Todo su glamour se estrella contra las reglas de un territorio incierto.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film


A photographer works with different images of his territory and wonders about the landscapes and relationships between the Patagonian steppe’s people, institutions, and wildlife.

Un fotógrafo trabaja con distintas imágenes de su territorio, y se pregunta por los paisajes y las relaciones entre personas, instituciones y animales salvajes de la estepa patagónica.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film

No Tocar

A series of metaphors illustrate how the sense of touch is an innate form for accessing knowledge. The hands featured in the works exhibited at the Hermitage Museum demonstrate how art can generate ideas that encourage people to know their own limits and want to overcome them.

Una serie de metáforas ilustran cómo el sentido del tacto es una forma innata de acceso al conocimiento, las manos representadas en las obras del Museo Hermitage demuestran cómo el arte produce ideas que impulsan a las personas a conocer sus límites y querer superarlos.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Short Film

Las Cosas Que Te Digo

Is love something that happens to all of us? Is it normal to feel lonely in such a big city? Daniela is looking for short, exciting encounters so she doesn’t feel alone while she is away from home. “The Things I Tell You” is a film about deep and fast connections in a world where you can be vulnerable and free through cell phone messages and romantic dates.

¿Es el amor algo que nos pasa a todos? ¿Es normal sentirnos solos en una ciudad tan grande? Daniela busca tener encuentros cortos y emocionantes para no sentirse sola mientras está lejos de casa. “Las Cosas Que Te Digo” es una película sobre conexiones profundas y rápidas en donde se puede ser vulnerable y libre a través de mensajes de celular y de citas amorosas.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film

Las Flores

The electronic eyes of their cell phones observe the three protagonists on their journey to an industrial flower farm during Germany’s first lockdown. Between selfies and ephemeral voice messages glimpses of the disillusioning destiny of a youth who migrated to Europe in search of a different future.

Con la irrupción de la pandemia, tres jóvenes migrantes dejan Berlín en busca de trabajo en una fábrica de flores en la frontera con Holanda. Entre selfies y mensajes de voz, se entrevé el destino amargo de una juventud que migró a Europa en busca de un futuro distinto.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes


A camera burst into the privacy of Elida Baldomir, the only woman with military responsibility in Tupamara Guerilla. The end of her life takes place in a small apartment in Montevideo, Uruguay, with the sole company of her cat. Years of imprisonment and the long-lasting effects of torture dwell in her body; in every step, with every memory, and in every look.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Short Film

Las Picapedreras

A history book, a film saved from the flames of a dictatorship, an exiled filmmaker and an archive full of films downloaded from the internet. With these materials, a young filmmaker intends to rebuild an image of the women who made the longest strike in Argentina.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film

Ob Scena

A personal and sexual diary. A fake user’s manual whose sophistication and audaciousness free it from the traps of what has to be said and the agenda of commonplace. A discourse with disconcert and without instructions, with an exploring spirit and without restrictions.

Un diario personal y sexual. Un falso manual de uso cuya sofisticación y audacia lo eximen de las trampas de lo que debe ser dicho y de la agenda de lugares comunes. Un discurso con desconcierto y sin instrucciones, con espíritu explorador y sin condicionamientos.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film


“Sarna” reflects on the human condition in a non-human environment. A story of howls, barks and desolate glances in the outskirts of the Pan American Highway where most of its inhabitants are stray dogs that roam erratically through the gray and melancholic streets. Our look will be that of a person in the land of dogs with scabies; it will be the vision of a foreigner in the territory of dogs that rummage their bodies – scratching alienated – lying on the asphalt while they look for sunlight.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film


Faced with the discovery of videographic archive material from their childhood, Bárbara Lago reprograms their childhood’s mythology and reflects on their body traversed by affections, fictions and the passing of time. In these intimate materials, they finds a possibility of thinking about dissident sexualities, the relationship between technology and the human body, language and childhood. The images capture what cannot be named and prepare for the possibility of a fragmented and subjective metamorphosis. Jonathan/Yon is the body outside of social domestication. How does such a body grow in our contemporary societies?

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes


Áyax Grandi, an architect from the city of Rosario, at 48 he decided to become Canela. This film narrates the parenthesis in the life of Canela where she is torn between having gender reassignment operating surgery or not. With that concern, a search begins. She consults with healthcare professionals, her sons and old friends until she realizes something about her desire that she didn’t really expect.

A los 48 años, Ayax Grandi, un arquitecto de la ciudad de Rosario, decidió ser Canela. Esta película narra un paréntesis en la vida de la protagonista, que se debate entre intervenir quirúrgicamente su cuerpo o no. Con esa inquietud, comienza una búsqueda. Consulta a profesionales de la salud, a sus hijos y amistades hasta darse cuenta de algo que la sorprende acerca de su propio deseo.

Documental, Documentary, Largometrajes

Caperucita Roja

The ruined town where my grandmother was born has been put out for sale. While producing a red hooded coat, we, two women more than sixty years apart discuss within four walls our gender’s and our social class’ stories and contradictions, while the women’s movement takes de streets of the city.

Documental, Documentary, Feature Films, Largometrajes

Como el cielo después de llover

Mercedes returns to her native city to join her father, Victor, in the shooting of his film. He is a director who has filmed his family throughout the years. In the encounter of both filmmakers’ ways of looking, her mother’s silence and her brother’s stubbornness, Mercedes embraces the time they shared in their home videos and her family’s endless contradictions in order to find her own beginning.

Mercedes regresa a su ciudad natal para acompañar el rodaje de la película de su padre, Víctor. Un director que se ha encargado de registrar a su familia a lo largo del tiempo. Entre el encuentro de sus dos miradas, el silencio rotundo de su madre y la obstinación de su hermano, Mercedes abraza el tiempo compartido del archivo y las infinitas contradicciones de su familia para buscar allí su propio comienzo.

Documental, Documentary, Feature Films, Ficción, Largometrajes

Far from us

After a long absence Ramira reunites with her mother and child, leading to a balancing act between acceptance and avoidance. The child struggles between two mothers, while Ramira seeks to find a sense of reinsertion in the middle of a labyrinth of hybrid languages and customs.

Después de su larga ausencia, Ramira se reúne con su madre y su hijo, lo que lleva a sumergirse nuevamente en una relacion de desequilibrio y rechazo. El niño lucha entre dos madres, mientras que Ramira busca encontrar un sentido de reinserción en medio de un laberinto de idiomas y costumbres híbridas.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Ficción, Short Film


Mapowa escapes from the jungle where she lives towards the city in search of her father. The song and the road will join her at her first but inevitable disillusion.

Mapowa escapa de la selva donde vive rumbo a la ciudad para buscar a su padre. La canción y el camino la acompañan en su primera e inevitable desilusión.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Short Film

La última Marcha

Jhon Martínez, a former FARC guerrilla soldier, opens his photographic archive to evoke life in the jungle and narrate the process of abandoning.

Jhon Martínez un ex guerrillero de FARC, abre su archivo fotográfico para evocar la vida en la selva y narrar el proceso de dejación de armas.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Ficción, Short Film

Los Rugidos Que Alejan La Tormenta

Michel lives behind the lagoon. He fishes with his rode and wanders around the fields near the town. He survives only with the indispensable. No traffic, no people, no responsibility, just pure survival. When the evening falls, the roars keep the storm away and keep him safe.

Michel vive detrás de la laguna pescando con su caña. Deambula por los campos aledaños al pueblo. Sobrevive solo con lo imprescindible. Sin tráfico, sin gente, sin responsabilidad, solo pura sobrevivencia. Cuando cae la tarde los rugidos alejan la tormenta y lo mantienen a salvo.

Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Short Film

Mi Otro Hijo

Sometimes with the sons, it happens as with the drawing, they do not come out as you imagined. This is Gusti’s story. A father who goes through bewilderment and denial, to the most unconditional love for his new son, upon discovering that he has Down Syndrome.

Esta es la historia de Gusti. Un padre que pasa del desconcierto y la negación al amor incondicional por su nuevo hijo al descubrir que tiene Síndrome de Down. Desde su tablero de dibujo, conflictuado, reflexiona «a veces con los hijos pasa como con el dibujo, no te salen como lo imaginabas».

Documental, Documentary, Feature Films, Largometrajes

Un Hogar Sin Armarios

They did not want to go back into the closet, to pretend that old age was taking away so much of their struggle. They had a dream: to live in the first public LGTBI residence in the world.

No querían volver al armario, disimular, que la vejez les arrebatara tanta lucha. Tenían un sueño: abrir la primera residencia LGTBI pública del mundo en Madrid.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Short Film


Among the belongings of a dead father, two manuscripts were found during the COVID 19 quarentine, and are used by his daughter to try to reconstruct the past and weave uncertain hypotheses about what she will never know

Dos manuscritos encontrados durante la cuarenta por el COVID 19, entre las pertenencias de un padre muerto le sirven a su hija para intentar reconstruir el pasado y tejer hipótesis sobre lo que nunca podrá saber.

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