- Technical Info / Información Técnica:
(2021) – 00:10:45 – B&W – 2K – 24 FPS – PAL – Stereo – 16/9 – Spain – animation short film – 2D digital – fantastic, children, friendship – graduation thesis – Software: Toon boons, Photoshop, Krita
- Logline:
When night falls, a Teddy bear has to protect his child owner from the horror that lurks in the shadows.
Cuando cae la noche, un osito Teddy tiene que proteger a su niño del horror que se esconde entre las sombras.
- Short Synopsis / Sinopsis Corta:
Every night, when the child sleeps peacefully, his Teddy bear must fight the monster in the closet so that it does not take him away. Eventually, Teddy’s injuries and wear and tear take their toll, and he is replaced by another new toy. Since then he has roamed the city streets, abandoned.
Todas las noches, cuando el niño duerme plácidamente, su osito Teddy debe pelear contra el monstruo del armario para que no se lo lleve. Con el tiempo, las heridas y el desgaste de Teddy hacen mella, y es reemplazado por otro juguete nuevo. Desde entonces vaga por las calles de la ciudad, abandonado.
- Director´s Biography / Biografía del Director:
He is an animator, illustrator, and filmmaker. In 2017 he graduated as an audiovisual designer from the University of Buenos Aires. Since then he has worked as a storyboard artist and as a 2D animator in film, animated shows, and advertising for studios such as Rudo Co, Binalogue, WTF! He currently resides in Spain and “Good Night Mr Ted is his graduation thesis from, working for Submarine in the new animated film by Richard Linklater.
Es animador, ilustrador y realizador. En 2017 se graduó como diseñador audiovisual en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Desde entonces ha trabajado como realizador de storyboard y como animador 2D en cine, shows animados y publicidad para estudios como Rudo Co, Binalogue, WTF!. Since 2018 he resides in Spain and “Good Night Mr. Ted” is his Graduation Thesis of the 2D Animation master’s degree at the Barcelona Cinema School. He is currently working for Submarine on the new Richard Linklater animated film.
- Director’s Statement:
Is a tribute to childhood and genre cinema. A fantasy film that hopes to send the viewer back to the times when everything was possible and magical, deep in the codes of cinema that moviegoers love.
Es un homenaje a la infancia y al cine de género. Una película de fantasía que espera remitir al espectador a los tiempos en que todo era posible y mágico, bañado en los códigos del cine que los cinéfilos amamos.
- Overview / Ficha técnica:
Script / Guión: Nicolás Sole Allignani
Director / Director: Nicolás Sole Allignani
Production / Producción: Mikel Sánchez, Nicolás Sole Allignani
Executive productor: Carles Isern
Animation / Animación: Mikel Sánchez, Nicolás Sole Allignani, Bonaventure B. Monplaisir, David Torres, Lear Marsala, Aleix Serra, Pau Ros, Paula Serrano, Clàudia Giménez, Jesús Cruz, Ayla Bravos-Escos, Angie Sena
Art Director / Director de Arte: Nicolás Sole Allignani
Editing / Montaje: Nicolás Sole Allignani
Sound Design / Diseño de Sonido: Gonçal Perales
Original Music / Música Original: Gonçal Perales
Post Production: Pau Ros
- Festivals and Awards / Festivales y Premios:
– 25 Animac, Mostra Internacional de Cinema d’Animació de Catalunya-Lleida (Audience Award); 02/2021; Spain
– 23 Mecal Barcelona Short Film Festival; 03/2021; Spain
– 37 Cartoon Club, International Festival of Animation Cinema; 07/2021; Italy
– 4 MIAF, Melbourne International Animation Festival; 07/2021; Australia
– 11 Bengaluru ISFF; 08/2021; India
– 16 Shorts Mexico, International Short Film Festival (Best Animation); 09/2021; Mexico
– 30 KIDS FIRST! Film Festival; 09/2021; US
– 19 FESCIGU, Guadalajara Solidarity Film Festival; 09/2021; Spain
– 5 FAB, Festival of Animation Berlin; 10/2021; Germany
– 54 Sitges, Fantastic Film Festival (Best Screenplay, Best Original Music); 10/2021; Spain
– 7 TIAF, Taichung International Animation Festival; 10/2021; Taiwan
– 7 TAF; Thessaloniki Animation Festival; 10/2021; Greece
– 3 Espanto Film Festival (Best Animation Short Film); 10/2021; Mexico
– 10 MIL GRITOS Horror Film Festival (Best Short Film); 11/2021; Argentina
– 33 Marató De Cinema Fantàstic I De Terror De Sants (Best Animation); 11/2021; Spain
– 39 Ale Kino! International Young Audience Film Festival; 11/2021; Poland
– 20 DIFF, Dhaka International Film Festival; 01/2022; Bangladesh
– 22 CINELEBU, Festival Internacional de Cine de Lebu; 02/2022; Chile
– 17 Aurora, International Horror Film Festival; 03/2022; Mexico
– 7 TAAFI, Toronto Animation & Arts Festival International; 03/2022; Canada
– 22 Sant Joan d’Alacant Film Festival (Best Animation Short Film); 05/2022; Spain
– 17 Animayo, International Animation Film Festival (Best Director/Best Student Film); 05/2022; Spain
– 28 FANT Bilbao, Bilbao Fantasy Film Festival; 05/2022; Spain
– 2 Cactus, International Children’s and Youth Film Festival; 05/2022; Italy
– 22 Sopot International Film Festival; 06/2022; Poland
– 10 Insomnia International Open-Air Animation Film Festival; 07/2022; Russia
– 21 El Pecado International Short Film Festival; 08/2022; Spain
– 12 Fenacies, Student Film Festival; 09/2022; Uruguay
– 5 INSÓLITO, Fantastic Film Festival; 09/2022; Peru
– 26 CABRA Short Film Festival (Special Mention); 09/2022; Spain
– 14 Weird Fest, Animation, Video Games & New Media Market (Audience Choice Award); 09/2022; Spain
– 7 Ajayu Animation Film Festival; 10/2022; Perú
– 36 Cinekid Festival; 10/2022; Netherlands
– 18 Cartoons, Animation Film Festival; 10/2022; Spain
– 10 FICCS, Cuenca del Salado Int Film Festival; 10/2022; Argentina
– 22 FENAVID, International Film Festival; 10/2022; Bolivia
– 48 FILMETS Badalona Film Festival; 10/2022; Spain
– 33 Cinemagic, Belfast International Film Festival for Young People; 10/2022; Ireland
– 10 Prime the Animation! New Talent Int Festival (Audience Award); 10/2022; Spain
– Terror en la Bahía, Fantastic Film Festival; 10/2022; Chile
– 8 BitBang International Animation & Digital Art Festival; 10/2022; Argentina
– 51 ALCINE, Alcalá de Henares Film Festival; 11/2022; Spain
– 18 PANORAMA, Internacional Coisa de Cinema; 11/2022; Brazil
– 8 ANIMAFEST GDANSK, International Animation Film Festival; 11/2022; Poland
– 34 Girona Film Festival; 11/2022; Spain
– 7 International Film School Festival of Tetouan; 11/2022; Morocco
– 39 Chicago International Children’s Film Festival; 11/2022; US
– 46 Cinanima, International Animation Film Festival; 11/2022; Portugal
– 23 BARS, Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre Horror Film Festival (Best Short Film / Cinear Award); 11/2022; Argentina
– 15 Piccolo Festival Dell’animazione, International animated film festival; 11/2022; Italy
– 19 TAFIC, Tapiales ISFF (Screenplay Special Mention); 11/2022; Argentina
– 13 Animax Skopje Festival; 11/2022; Macedonia
– 4 ICONA, Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival; 12/2022; Greece
– 8 FECEA, Alvorada International School Film Festival; 12/2022; Brazil
– 25 ICARO, International Film Festival; 12/2022; Guatemala
– 20 Festival Studentskog Filma, International Student Film Festival in Belgrade (Best Animation); 12/2022; Serbia
– 4 Amen, Animation Film Festival (Audience Award); 12/2022; Kazakhstan
– 12 CutOut, Animation Film Festival (Best Student Film); 12/2022; Mexico
– 19 International Festival-Workshop of Film Schools «Kinoproba»; 12/2022; Russia
– A Vingança dos Filmes B, Terror Film Festival; 02/2023; Brazil
– 6 Anima Latina, Latin American Animation Festival; 05/2023; Argentina
– 4 Nieve Roja, Horror Film Festival (Special Mention); 05/2023; Argentina
– 2 Animur, IAFF; 09/2023; Russia
– 2 FAN, Neuquen Audiovisual Festival; 10/2023; Argentina
- Links:
Trailer: https://youtu.be/gykRruPSMXE
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/pigrosole/
- Contact / Contacto:
Gisela Chicolino
FilmsToFestivals Distribution Agency
ECIB (Escola de Cinema de Barcelona)