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Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film


During the summer break, a lonely teenage musician falls madly in love with an unknown girl while at the beach, leading him accidentally to fame within the music industry, and later to a decadent success.

Durante las vacaciones de verano, un solitario cantautor adolescente se enamora perdidamente de una desconocida chica en la playa, lo cual lo llevará accidentalmente hacia la fama en la industria de la música, y posteriormente hacia un éxito decadente.

Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Experimental, Mediometrajes, Short Film


Women in their thirties meet men through dating apps in Buenos Aires. They search for fun and sex but also for kindness and affinity. One doesn’t always find them, but these dates aren’t expressed as failures or achievements, they just draw with humor and tenderness the seek of one on another, and of one in oneself.

Mujeres en sus treinta exploran aplicaciones de levante en Buenos Aires. Buscan diversión y sexo, pero también afecto y afinidad. No siempre lo logran, pero estos encuentros no se traducen en sucesos o fracasos, sino que dibujan con ternura y humor el viaje en sí.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Una Aprendiz Invisible

Inés is a 12-year-old girl that starts taking roller skating classes, encouraged by her parents that are trying to keep her away from home while they’re dealing with her sister’s illness.

Inés, una niña de 12 años comienza a tomar clases de patín estimulada y alentada por sus padres, buscando que no esté en casa mientras atravesaban la enfermedad de su hermana.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Una Habitación Simple

In the absence of projects in which she can establish herself as an actress, Franca seeks unconventional alternatives to gain recognition.

A falta de proyectos en los que consagrarse como actriz, Franca busca alternativas poco convencionales para obtener reconocimiento.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film


Night, speed, and adrenaline. A wild world and the longing for someone who will never love you back.

La noche, la velocidad y la adrenalina. Un mundo salvaje y el anhelo de alguien que nunca te amará de vuelta.

Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film

Cetrero Nocturno

In the solitude of the jungle, a night watchman establishes a friendship with a magpie that will test the limits of his conscience.

En la soledad de la selva, un sereno construye una relación de amistad con una urraca que pondrá a prueba los límites de su conciencia.

Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Experimental, Short Film

El Buitre

A vulture hacks the feet of the main character who, resigned to his punishment, passively accepts this inevitable destiny. Animated short film based on the homonymous story, by Franz Kafka.

Un buitre destroza los pies del protagonista quien, resignado a su castigo, acepta con pasividad a este destino que le es inevitable. Cortometraje animado basado en el relato homónimo de Franz Kafka.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

El Médium

Martín wants to direct a film. He is desperate because he lacks of ideas, so he hires a medium: he wants to make contact with the ghost of the legendary argentinian film director Leopoldo Torre Nilsson. The ghost has to help him to direct the film from beyond.

Martín quiere hacer una película. Como último recurso frente a la desesperación por la falta de ideas, convoca a un médium con un objetivo: hacer un contacto con el espectro del legendario director argentino Leopoldo Torre Nilsson, para que este lo ayude a dirigir desde el más allá.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film


Fabian puts together shows at a party room, one of them is a Serrat tribute act, in which he is the performer on stage. Fabian is frustrated because the belly dancer is the clients’ number one choice. This time, he’ll do whatever it takes to be picked out, even if he has to play dirty against his colleague and test his moral limits.

Fabián ofrece los shows de un salón de fiestas, entre los que se encuentra un tributo al cantante Serrat, que él mismo realiza. Harto de que siempre contraten a la odalisca, esta vez hará lo que sea para que lo elijan, aunque deba jugarle sucio a su colega y poner en juego sus límites morales.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Short Film

Las Picapedreras

A history book, a film saved from the flames of a dictatorship, an exiled filmmaker and an archive full of films downloaded from the internet. With these materials, a young filmmaker intends to rebuild an image of the women who made the longest strike in Argentina.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film

Ob Scena

A personal and sexual diary. A fake user’s manual whose sophistication and audaciousness free it from the traps of what has to be said and the agenda of commonplace. A discourse with disconcert and without instructions, with an exploring spirit and without restrictions.

Un diario personal y sexual. Un falso manual de uso cuya sofisticación y audacia lo eximen de las trampas de lo que debe ser dicho y de la agenda de lugares comunes. Un discurso con desconcierto y sin instrucciones, con espíritu explorador y sin condicionamientos.

Cortometrajes, Experimental, Ficción, Short Film

Pata y Muslo

On an astro pitch in Buenos Aires two teams embark on a surreal contest. A satirical reimagining of a football match, that turns into a dance, a seduction of the camera and finally, a Gatsby tea party, while the soundtrack explodes with free jazz.

Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film

Penguin And Whale

A blue whale starts a journey to find a new iceberg for his friend Penguin who has lost his home due to extreme global warming.

Una Ballena azul inicia una travesía para encontrar un nuevo iceberg para su amigo Pingüino que ha perdido su hogar debido al extremo calentamiento global.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film


“Sarna” reflects on the human condition in a non-human environment. A story of howls, barks and desolate glances in the outskirts of the Pan American Highway where most of its inhabitants are stray dogs that roam erratically through the gray and melancholic streets. Our look will be that of a person in the land of dogs with scabies; it will be the vision of a foreigner in the territory of dogs that rummage their bodies – scratching alienated – lying on the asphalt while they look for sunlight.

Cortometrajes, Documental, Documentary, Experimental, Short Film


Faced with the discovery of videographic archive material from their childhood, Bárbara Lago reprograms their childhood’s mythology and reflects on their body traversed by affections, fictions and the passing of time. In these intimate materials, they finds a possibility of thinking about dissident sexualities, the relationship between technology and the human body, language and childhood. The images capture what cannot be named and prepare for the possibility of a fragmented and subjective metamorphosis. Jonathan/Yon is the body outside of social domestication. How does such a body grow in our contemporary societies?

Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film


Había una vez… Revistas se agitan al viento, una cámara Super-8 se arrastra sobre una mesa mientras una vieja frazada va y viene. De repente, un ratón, luego, una civilización corriendo hacia su destino inevitable, mientras que una cámara Super-8 va en busca del amor. La contaminación plástica ha llegado a tal punto que ni las más lejanas playas están a salvo. / Once upon a time… Old magazines gently dance in the wind. A super-8 camera crawls over a wooden table while an old carpet flows in and out. Suddenly, a mouse and then a whole civilization running towards its inevitable destiny, while a super-8 camera searches for a lost Love. Plastic waste has reached the point where not even the most distant beaches are safe.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

40 Tableros

Isolated by World War II, a chess player blindly confronts 40 rivals to break a world record.

Aislado por la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un ajedrecista se enfrenta a ciegas a 40 rivales para romper un record mundial.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Al Silencio

To the Silence is the story of a farewell, an elegy, a man’s journey to the heart of the mountain. He travels carrying on his back all the weight of his story; like a cross, a big bag that accompanies him on his walk.

Al Silencio es la historia de una despedida, una elegía, el viaje de un hombre al corazón de la montaña, lo hace llevando en su espalda todo el peso de su historia; como una cruz, un gran bolso lo acompaña en su andar.

Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film


An ostrich, an owl, the flamingo, a parrot, the hummingbird and an eagle, all of them dance, run and fly by the Argentinian electro-folk of Barda & Sidirum´s amazing music. Colors and shapes dance and unite by a unique psychedelic endless rhythm. Handcrafted paper and love.

Un avestruz, un búho, el flamenco, un loro, el colibrí y un águila, todos bailan, corren y vuelan al ritmo del electro-folk argentino interpretado por Barda & Sidirum. Colores y formas danzan y se unen un ritmo psicodélico sinfín. Papel y amor, hechos a mano.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Azul Turqueza

Indira finds out that her 16 years old daughter is in love with another girl. She enters in a crisis due the fact she can’t face this new side of her. And so it begins, a new sentimental space between her and her daughter.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Mediometrajes, Short Film


Lila is a young film director who is struggling to overcome the stupor of a blank sheet. One day, her boyfriend Candi comes with a new bicycle lock, a gift from a beautiful girl. This will force her to go outside searching for something new.

Lila es una joven directora que está luchando para vencer el sopor de una hoja en blanco. Candi, su novio, llega un día con un candado de bicicleta nuevo, regalo de una chica linda. Esto será un detonante para Lila para salir de la casa hacia algo nuevo.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film


CENTAUR is a Greek-Creole western that is set amongst the palm trees and TV aerials of the soy producing Pampas. When the bad gaucho invokes the spirit of his dead brother, the drama of representation is unleashed. Violence –always instrumental– emerges in the form of a whip-knife carried by the horse-man. In short, the centaur, just like the gaucho, is a myth, but an interrupted myth that was lost far away and long ago. Only that this story occurs nearby and in more recent times.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Colonia Delicia

Ela lives in Colonia Delicia, Misiones and travels through the sexual awakening. Her father rejects her concerns out of fear. The appearance of Ivan, a photographer, awakens in Ela the illusion of satiating her desires, but vanishes when she reveals that Ivan’s sexual intentions are different to hers.

Ela vive en Colonia Delicia, Misiones y transita por el despertar sexual. Su padre rechaza sus inquietudes por temor. La aparición de Iván, un fotógrafo, despierta en Ela la ilusión de saciar sus deseos, pero se desvanece cuando revela que las intenciones de Iván son diferentes ante su sexualidad.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Diamante Mandarín

Buenos Aires 2001. In a supermarket in the suburbs a chinese family decides to close the market for the fear of the looting being committed throughout the city. The days pass by and the family tries to keep their normal lives but the fear of outside lurking breaks in their family life, over and over.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film

Doce Clavos

A cell phone rings late at night. Ana answers the phone, stunned. With some resentment, she gets out of bed to get into a taxi that will take her to the last stretch of a relationship.

Un celular suena en la madrugada. Ana atiende, aturdida. Con cierto resquemor, se levanta de la cama para subirse a un taxi que la conducirá hacia el último tramo de una relación difícil.

Cortometrajes, Ficción, Short Film


Un joven boxeador deambula entre el gimnasio y su casa. Su padre entregado a la bebida y a las carreras de caballo, proyecta en él la esperanza de salida de su angustiosa rutina.

Animación, Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film

El Dominio de las Piedras

A group of women lives on an island subdued by black hands of stones. To free themselves they must break the heavy rocks that they carry on their backs and reveal themselves against the established regime.

Un grupo de mujeres viven en una isla sometidas por unas manos negras de piedras. Para liberarse ellas deben romper las pesadas rocas que llevan sobre sus espaldas y revelarse contra el régimen establecido.

Animation Film, Cortometrajes, Short Film

El Puente

Erre y Anna viven en edificios, como islas, aislados entre si por agua y se comunican a través de sus ventanas. Un día, Erre es acusado por la Oficina de Administración, de deber el alquiler y como castigo le bloquean la ventana apartándolo de Anna. Ellos intentarán cambiar el lugar donde viven para poder volver a estar juntos como nunca antes imaginaron. / Erre and Anna live in different buildings isolated by water. They only see each other trough a window. One day, he gets punished by being set apart of Anna. This will encouraged them to change the place where they live in order to be together as they´ve never tought before.

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